GTC-MAAT kick-off meeting on the OSIRIS Mask Loader upgrade & OSIRIS+MAAT Optics held at the GTC telescope on May 17-28. Participants (from left to right): Sergio Fernández (Instrumentation Head, GTC), Kilian Henríquez (Mechanical Engineer, GTC), Gaizka Mendieta (Project Manager, IDOM), Rubén Sanquirce (Mechanical Engineer, IDOM), Gabriel Gómez (Support Astronomer, GTC), Alexander Díaz (Mechanical Engineer, IDOM), Manuela Abril (Instrument Specialist & PM for MAAT, GTC) & Robert Content (Optical Scientist, AAO-MQ). Picture taken by Francisco Prada (MAAT) at the GTC Control Room. IDOM is a Spanish company hired by MAAT to implement the upgrade of the OSIRIS Mask Loader. Robert Content is our MAAT optical designer.